
Don't Worry, No One Cares

We're often held back by a crippling fear that we can't possibly do certai...

  • Scott

The Most Eye Opening 10 Minutes Of Your Life

Alan Watts On Intelligence. An inspiring and profound speech by Alan Watts...

  • Scott

Why Your Penis Is Shrinking

Penis size, taint size and sperm count are decreasing in men. This is the s...

  • Scott

How to Tell If You Have Been Gaslit

We’re unlucky enough if we meet with people who want to do us wrong, show u...

  • Scott

What Is the Point of Spirituality?

A lot of people are - rightly - very sceptical of what goes on under the wo...

  • Scott

Don’t chase happiness. Become antifragile

Antifragility is the idea of putting pressure on a system, or human, the sy...

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The Importance of a Breakdown

Having a nervous breakdown could seem like the ultimate calamity. Far from...

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How To Cope With Depression

Depression doesn't have to ruin our lives. The most urgent thing we need to...

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Overcoming Bad Inner Voices

All of us have deeply unhelpful inner voices inside us, dragging us down wi...

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The Dangers of Thinking Too Much; And Thinking Too Litt...

There are dangers associated both with thinking too much - and thinking too...

  • Scott

6 ways to heal trauma without medication

Conventional psychiatric practices tell us that if we feel bad, take this d...

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The Body Keeps the Score

A growing body of research suggests that mental unwellness doesn’t just tak...

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How To Ignore People

Today, we will be discussing how to ignore people. We will also be talking...

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Intrusive Thoughts and Overthinking: The Skill of Cogni...

Do you ever find yourself overthinking a situation or battling intrusive th...

  • Scott

How We Lie to Ourselves

We are masters at knowing how to lie to ourselves. We pay a heavy price for...

  • Scott

Cleaning When Depressed - How to Clean Your Messy House

Is cleaning when depressed possible? Here are cleaning tips on how to clean...

  • Scott