This Is How Spam Is Really Made
This Is How Spam Is Really Made
What is in Spam? It is one of life’s greatest mysteries — a true puzzlement that has plagued any person with a pantry since it was introduced in 1937.

This canned block of luncheon meat rose to prominence during the Great Depression and has been a cupboard staple ever since. A meat of questionable origin that takes on the shape of its container should not have been a hit, and yet here we are. There are even some hipster recipes that are devoted to turning Spam into haute cuisine. But, what is in it?

During desperate times when civilians in many countries were near starvation, cans of SPAM were a priceless godsend that saved millions of people. Their convenience, durability, and high-calorie content made it ideal for feeding American soldiers during the Second World War.

No one could predict how people across the world would fall in love with Spam. Over eight billion cans have been sold in 44 countries since their creation.

What many didn't realize is that they were eating the most unwanted cut of meat. How did the cheapest, most unprofitable meat turn into an iconic American meal?

This is the story of how SPAM was made.

The 12-Year-Old Dropout Who Led to Inventing SPAM from Unwanted Pork Meat

How Has SPAM Stayed So Popular?

Here's How Long Canned Meat Really Lasts On Your Shelf

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