What are Singing Bowls?
What are Singing Bowls?
Singing bowls are bowls used to promote relaxation. They produce sounds and vibrations when hit or circled with a mallet.

Singing bowls are instruments that produce different sounds and tones, depending on their size and material. You play them by striking them or swirling their perimeter using a wooden mallet.

The exact history of singing bowls is unclear; they have certainly been around for thousands of years. Today, you'll find them in spiritual centers, yoga studios, sound baths, and more.  Singing bowls are used for relaxation, mediation and healing.

5 benefits of using a singing bowl:

  • They are relaxing.
  • They stimulate calm brain waves.
  • They may help reduce pain.
  • They may help improve mental health.
  • They can boost overall well-being.

The two most widely used singing bowls are Tibetan and Crystal.

Tibetan bowls are forged with alloys that usually contain from five to seven precious metals, which are connected to the planets of our galaxy: lead (Saturn), tin (Jupiter), iron (Mars), copper (Venus), mercury (Mercury), silver (the Moon) and gold (the Sun).

Crystal singing bowls are typically made of 99.9 percent crushed crystal quartz that is heated under high temperatures and formed into different bowl shapes.


Here are a couple sample meditations for you to experience both the Tibetan and Crystal singing bowls.  Sit back, relax, close your eyes and just "be".


Chakra Restoration Sound Bath

Release Anxiety and Tension

Tibetan Bowls Zen Music for Sleep and Anxiety

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