Restorative Yoga - Sweat with SELF
Restorative Yoga - Sweat with SELF
Restorative Yoga is the practice of asanas, each held for longer than in conventional yoga as exercise classes, often with the support of props such as folded blankets, to relax the body, reduce stress, and often to prepare for pranayama.

This eight part series focuses on foundational poses and breathing techniques. Included in this series are:

  • Class 1: FLOW
  • Class 2: Hip Opening
  • Class 3: Lengthening & Stretching
  • Class 4: Forward Folds
  • Class 5: Twists
  • Class 6: Shoulder Opening
  • Class 7: Strengthening Legs & Hips
  • Class 8: Back Bends

Take your time and enjoy.  Return to any part as often as you want. Your body, mind and soul will thank you.

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