Love Child
Love Child
"Love Child" is a 1968 song released by the Motown label for Diana Ross and The Supremes. The second single and title track from their album Love Child, it became the Supremes' 11th (and penultimate) number-one single in the United States, where it sold 500,000 copies in its first week and 2 million copies by year's end.

It was so popular that it has been covered several dozen times.  Check out the originsl and some of the most popular covers.

Diana Ross and The Supremes "Love Child" on The Ed Sullivan Show (1968)

Sweet Sensation (1990)

Sweet Sensation (Live on Rick Dees, 1990)

Melissa Etheridge - Concert for the Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame (1995)

La Toya Jackson (2016)

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