Who is Pentatonix?
Who is Pentatonix?
Pentatonix is an American a cappella group from Arlington, Texas, currently consisting of vocalists Scott Hoying, Mitch Grassi, Kirstin Maldonado, Kevin Olusola, and Matt Sallee.

There is a LOT to Pentatonix.  A single "documentary" was not enough.  Each one was missing information.  You'll see in these videos there is a reason they are so popular.  Their vocals are extraordinary.  They have had a long road with a lot of success.

If you'd like to read more about them, purchase their merchandise or find out where they will be performing next you can hop on over to their website.

What You Don't Know About Pentatonix

Beginner's Guide to Pentatonix

Here's The Truth About Pentatonix

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