How to paint an abstract the EASY WAY
How to paint an abstract the EASY WAY
In this second 'how-to' video we create another abstract painting using a few simple blending techniques using pieces of card.

Here's the first video in case you haven't seen it yet: how-to-paint-a-simple-abstract-a-step-by-step-guide


No brushes required - you just need some card! Everyone can have a go at this - no previous painting experience is required.


We'll cut it up and use it to spread out and blend acrylic paint into some really cool shapes and forms. I am using an 80cm canvas but you can literally use anything that will take paint if you haven't got any canvas to use. 


Look out for the first video where we go through all the basics of what you need and what to use to create a beautiful, colourful painting - completely different to this one! - and using simple, easy to understand tools and techniques. Watch it here: how-to-paint-a-simple-abstract-a-step-by-step-guide

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