Debunking the Myths of Leonardo da Vinci
Debunking the Myths of Leonardo da Vinci
When life gives you turnips, give them layers of cheese armor. And butter and spice, and that will be nice.

First off, an important warning. Turnips are kinda sweet. Rutabagas are not. Some stores sell rutabagas under the name of “turnip”. This confusion will not make anybody happy. 


  • 1 1/2 pounds (700g) Turnips
  • ¾ pound (340g) Cheese 
  • 1 stick or (110g) Melted Salted Butter
  • Powder Douce, made up of: Sugar, Long pepper, Nutmeg, Cinnamon,  and Ginger (or other sweet spices)


  1. Roast or boil the turnips until partially cooked; soft but not mush.
  2. Thinly slice the turnips and the cheese. 
  3. Grease a small casserole dish with melted butter. Put in a layer of cheese, then turnips, then pour melted butter over it and sprinkle with plenty of the spice mixture. Repeat until all of the turnips and cheese have been used, making sure the top layer is cheese. 
  4. Place in an oven at 400°F/205°C and bake for 12-15 minutes, or until the cheese is melted and bubbling around the edge. 
  5. Let cool for 5 minutes and serve hot.  

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