Tag: humans

Possible ‘New Ancient Human’ Species Identified

After re-examining fossils found in East Asia, scientists have possibly ide...

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Scientists Found Proof of Human Species Mixing

Scientists have discovered solid proof that ancient humans weren’t as separ...

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Archaeologists Discover Ancient Tools Dating Back Milli...

Just over 50 years ago, paleontologist Donald Johnson unearthed the remains...

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Lucy's Lasting Legacy

Lucy is the nickname of a 3.2 million-year-old fossilized skeleton of an Au...

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Hobbits Were Real. Why Were They So Small?

You may have heard of the Hobbits -- no, not the Tolkien ones. Our cousins,...

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What If You Were The Last Person On Earth

What if there was no one left, no one left but you? Could you survive knowi...

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If All Humans Died, When Would the Last Light Go Out?

If every human somehow simply disappeared from the face of the earth, how l...

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6 Neanderthal DNA Physical Traits in Modern Humans

Neanderthals left a mark on our DNA and most people on earth have Neanderth...

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Face of 75,000-Year-Old Neanderthal Woman Revealed

Scientists have recreated the face of a 75,000-year-old Neanderthal woman -...

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There's No Single Cradle of Humankind

It would take decades for paleontologists to realize that maybe there wasn’...

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What Was The Last Common Ancestor of all Life on Earth?

But it has a grand name, or at least an acronym. It is known as Luca, the L...

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The Life and Times of Humans

The life and times of the human. We will forever be discovering new truths...

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The Genes We Lost Along the Way

Our DNA holds thousands of dead genes and we’ve only just begun to unravel...

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Mütter Museum Of Human Oddities

The Mütter Museum is a medical history and science museum located in the Ce...

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Perfectly Preserved 5,000-Year-Old Man

Ötzi, also called the Iceman, is the natural mummy of a man who lived some...

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