Name Scott
Gender Male
Location Orlando, FL
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Author, educator, musician, dancer and all around creative type. Founder of "The Happy Now" website and the online jewelry store "Silver and Sage".

joined at 2 years ago

    Cardio Party Workout

    Twenty-two minute walk dance!

    • Scott

    FAST Walking Workout

    2850 steps in 20 minutes. Walk to the Beat!

    • Scott

    Craig David Walking Workout

    1500 Steps in 12 minutes

    • Scott

    Whitney Houston Walking Workout

    2000 steps in 15 minutes

    • Scott

    What are Singing Bowls?

    Singing bowls are bowls used to promote relaxation. They produce sounds and...

    • Scott

    Meditation for Beginners

    Every wonder how to get started in meditation? Maybe you've wondered what m...

    • Scott

    What Happens at 4:30 AM ? And Why Should We Know About...

    The best time to get deeper into your being…

    • Scott

    The World Needs People Who Have Pure Love

    Pure love without any wants is so joy-giving.

    • Scott

    What Unites Buddhism and Psychotherapy? One Therapist H...

    In “The Zen of Therapy,” Mark Epstein weaves together two ways of understan...

    • Scott

    Meditation Techniques for Energy

    I love to talk about meditation techniques for energy and address both posi...

    • Scott

    6 Emotions That Can Cloud Our Judgment and How to Make...

    There are six specific emotions that almost always lead to bad decisions. H...

    • Scott

    How Boys Learn to Repress Their Feelings and How We Can...

    Boys learn it's not okay to show emotion when they're hurt, that it's socia...

    • Scott

    How to Make the Most of Your 24 Hours

    So many of us feel a scarcity of time: we feel rushed, like there’s not eno...

    • Scott

    Valentines Day

    Looking for creative ideas for Valentines Day?

    • Scott

    The Sound of Two Neutron Stars Colliding

    This is the first time, scientists have directly detected gravitational wav...

    • Scott