The TikTok songification of ‘Stranger Things’
The TikTok songification of ‘Stranger Things’
Eddie Munson's season 4 sound is setting off alarms.

Initially, the audio from that episode—Eddie yelling, “Chrissy, wake up. I don’t like this”—went viral on TikTok, and people applied it first to their elderly pets. On June 10, the account schmoyoho posted a remix of the audio to double as an “alarm.” The clip has more than 16 million views, and the audio has been used in more than 45,000 TikToks. 

Where’s it from?

The schmoyoho TikTok account is Michael Gregory from the Gregory Brothers, an internet-famous musical comedy group known for its Songify the News series, which essentially auto-tuned popular videos. A longer version of “Chrissy, Wake Up” is up on YouTube, and Gregory teased an extended Munson universe in the comments on the first TikTok. We reached out for comment.

The Gregory Brothers saw a lot of success songifying pop culture and politics throughout the 2010s. 

Sound off

Quinn knows about “Chrissy, Wake Up”; he told the Mary Sue that it’s “pretty, pretty, pretty funny” but also “it’s so stupid and I’m so glad that they did it.” There is also apparently an Eddie Munson “cult” on TikTok; the tag #eddiemunsoncult has more than 23 million views. The Eddie Munson tag has more than 5 billion views.

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