The Shocking Reason BRER RABBIT Got Erased from Disney!
The Shocking Reason BRER RABBIT Got Erased from Disney!
A deep dive into the origins of the Brer Rabbit story and Disney's ban of Song of the South and closing Splash Mountain. Why was Brer Rabbit not in Once Upon A Studio? How is Brer Rabbit part of Pop Culture.

From Joel Chandler Harris came Uncle Remus.  We talk about Nella Larsen and passing, to the 1963 children's crusade in the American Civil Rights Movement -- We ask: 

"Was this a good decision or a bad one to remove Brer Rabbit?  Why not re-imagine Brer Rabbit outside of Song of the South?" 

We'll explore all of these questions and more...

If you're curious about the real origins of the Brer Rabbit controversy, then watch this video! We'll discuss Disney's move, the controversy, and what happened to Brer Rabbit.

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