Emanuel Ax on Learning Chopin in Lockdown
Emanuel Ax on Learning Chopin in Lockdown
At his home in the Berkshires, Emanuel Ax practices in a spacious loft above the garage – detached from the main house, so as not to wake any family when sitting down at the piano first thing in the morning. It was there that he spent much of 2020, in refuge from the coronavirus pandemic that was ravaging New York City.

When not dedicated to charity work alongside his friend and duo partner of nearly a half-century, Yo-Yo Ma, Ax was buckled in at his Steinway, learning works by Bach and Chopin that he had been meaning to add to his repertoire for decades.

Join Head of Piano Ben Laude as he sits side-by-side with "Manny" at his piano in the woods for an intimate conversation, exploring the meaning of music in a time of disease, and probing some of the Chopin pieces Ax recently added to his repertoire.


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