Mobile Games to Play with Friends Now!
Mobile Games to Play with Friends Now!
Whether you’re gaming with friends in person, or jumping online with your squad, mobile gaming has come leaps and bounds in recent years, with tons of amazing options to sink your teeth into.

You don't have to be in the same room (or state for that matter) to play games against friends.  Here is a list of fun games to play against friends and family on your mobile device:

  1. Mario Kart Tour
  2. Scrabble GO
  3. Kahoot! 
  4. Words With Friends
  5. Sky: Children of the Light
  6. Houseparty. Heads Up!
  7. Yahtzee with Buddies
  8. Uno
  9. Pokemon GO
  10. Minecraft
  11. Chess
  12. Fortnite
  13. Evil Apples (this is like Cards Against Humanity)
  14. Crash Bandicoot On The Run
  15. Yahtzee


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