Tag: Xanadu

Olivia-Newton John, Gene Kelly abs ELO - Xanadu

"A place where nobody dared to go... The love that we came to know... They...

  • Scott

The Abandoned History of Xanadu: House of The Future

Orlando's Futuristic Space-based home Attraction. This house of the future...

  • Scott

Teaching Olivia Newton John to Roller Skate for Xanadu

Jerry Trent talks about choreographing Xanadu and teaching Olivia to roller...

  • Scott

Olivia Newton-John - Xanadu (Live 1982)

Rare recording from her 1982 concert.

  • Scott

Xanadu - Olivia Newton John (Sydney Mardi Gras Party 20...

The third show at the 2008 Mardi Gras Party - this one featuring Olivia New...

  • Scott