Tag: Runes

The Island of WITCHES

Iceland. The Isle of Nordic witches.

  • Scott

Writing English in Runes

Runes aren't designed for writing Modern English, but many people want to t...

  • Scott

What Are Runes?

The Old Norse alphabet comprised of runes which was called the ‘futhark’. F...

  • Scott

Norway's Oldest Book

The Kvikne Psaltery, held at Nasjonalbiblioteket (Oslo), features Latin con...

  • Scott

The Younger Futhark Runes

The Younger Futhark, also called Scandinavian runes, is a runic alphabet an...

  • Scott

The Anglo-Saxons: A Brief History

Anglo-Saxon runes are an extended version of Elder Futhark consisting of be...

  • Scott

The Names of the Runes (Elder Futhark)

The Elder Futhark, also known as the Older Futhark, Old Futhark, or Germani...

  • Scott