Tag: inventor

The History of Ferris Wheels

In 1893 up-and-coming engineer George Washington Gale Ferris Jr. created an...

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How This Guy Makes Hand Puppets That Move Like Real Cre...

Puppeteer Barnaby Dixon takes inanimate objects and turns them into uncanni...

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After studying the intricate designs of a pound note, Denys Fisher came up...

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Physicist Theodore Maiman

Theodore Harold Maiman was an American engineer and physicist who is widely...

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Thomas Elkins

Thomas Elkins was an African-American dentist, abolitionist, surgeon, pharm...

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Granville T. Woods

Known as "Black Edison," Granville Woods was an African American inventor w...

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Valerie Thomas

Valerie L. Thomas is an African American scientist and inventor best known...

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15 Untold Black History Inventors Wasn't Taught At Scho...

Most people have heard about famous inventions like the light bulb, the cot...

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Mark Dean

Computer scientist and engineer Mark Dean is credited with helping develop...

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15 African-American Inventors to Remember This Black Hi...

From caller ID to the Super Soaker to peanut butter.

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Alexander Miles

Alexander Miles was an African American inventor and businessman, best know...

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George Washington Carver

George Washington Carver was an African American scientist and educator. Ca...

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The Unbelievable History of Strawberries

In this video, we take a look at the unbelievable story behind one of the w...

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Nikola Tesla: The Forgotten Inventor

Nikola Tesla was a Serbian-American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanic...

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