Tag: chihuahua

Chihuahua with Greyhound Legs?

Chihuahua with greyhound legs is exactly as weird as imagined.

  • Scott

Sensitive Chihuahua Makes Sad Face When Mom Laughs At H...

Meet Kevin. He's chunky, socially awkward and hilarious.

  • Scott

Sassy Chihuahua Won't Stop Zooming and Keep Causing Tro...

Tina the chihuahua was once a lonely dog; her owner passed away and she had...

  • Scott

Senior chihuahua was sad and obese. So this woman adopt...

Senior chihuahua was sad and obese. So this woman adopted him. This will j...

  • Scott

Chihuahua vs Rabbit

Chihuahua Plays Chase With Rabbit "Can't Catch Me"

  • Scott

Snarling Rescue Chihuahua Becomes A Daddy's Boy

Snarling little Chihuahua slowly becomes a mush with his foster dad ❤️ Ruff...

  • Scott

This woman adopted a judgmental chihuahua.

And got what she deserved. OMG so cute!!!!!!

  • Scott

Man Who Hates Small Dogs Gets A Chihuahua - Watch Their...

Guy with small dog phobia gets a Chihuahua, and fell in love at first sight...

  • Scott