

Paprika Has BUGS In It?!

If being a home cook in the age of the Internet has taught us anything, it’...

  • Scott

Figs have tiny dead wasps inside them (but they're ok t...

The fig is the edible fruit of Ficus carica, a species of small tree in the...

  • Scott

6 Crops to Plant in August for Late Summer Harvest

6 quick growing crops to plant in August so that as your summer veggies are...

  • Scott

What is Anna Wintour's Favorite Flower?

If you're a gardener who loves sweet, floral-scented blossoms, then you sim...

  • Scott

How to Grow Chamomile From Seed (And Make Your Own Tea)

Growing chamomile is inherently peaceful. It smells amazing, grows like a w...

  • Scott

EASIEST Way to Grow Potatoes

HUGE harvest of delicious potatoes from the backyard garden at the Epic Hom...

  • Scott

Why Use Eggshells In Your Garden?

The calcium from eggshells is also welcome in garden soil, where it moderat...

  • Scott

4 Garden Myths To Avoid Right Now

Do you have cats in the garden? Are you dealing with blossom end rot? Maybe...

  • Scott

Don't Bother Growing These 9 Crops

We've grown our fair share of plants here at Epic Gardening...and not all o...

  • Scott

Do "Regrowing Food Scraps" Hacks Actually Work?

Many times, the best hack is simply following best gardening practices. Hac...

  • Scott

Weird Way to Regrow Onions For Better Results!

In this video, he goes a bit deeper than the average plant hack, really exa...

  • Scott

5 Tips to Growing Lavender Perfectly No Matter Where Yo...

Learning how to grow lavender is easy - just respect where the plant came f...

  • Scott

Use Vinegar In Your Garden And Watch What Happens

Did you know that you can use vinegar in your garden too? That’s right! Whe...

  • Scott

How to: Using Coffee Grounds In Your Garden

Used coffee grounds are a great free resource to put to work in your garden...

  • Scott

Florida Gardening

While the weather turns bitter cold in other parts of the country and crop...

  • Scott

How To Make Pickles Without A Recipe

This is something everyone should do at least once. I mean come on, these a...

  • Scott