What Happens at 4:30 AM ? And Why Should We Know About It?

The best time to get deeper into your being…

The Way to Self-Realisation – the Knowledge of the Spirit


Posted on January 18, 2022 by Come Meditate

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“All over the world, at four-thirty in the morning all the vibrations, the best time, flow in the purest form. That’s why all the seers, get up very early in the morning, have their baths and sit down for meditation.”

“Once you start getting deeper into your being, you’ll be amazed that you can develop such capacities that you’ll be amazed at yourself. Of course there are blessings, there are miracles, but think of your own capacities. What are your capacities?”

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Category: Meditation, A Realized Person, Quotes, Benefits of Sahaja Yoga Meditation, The Goal of Sahaja YogaTags: Best Energy of the Day, Moon, morning meditation, Sleep, Sun

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