
  • Genre:
  • Release Date:
  • Advisory Rating:
  • Runtime: 1h 36min



  • Great Action Movie

    By Stonewulf
    The highest endorsement for this movie came from my ex-wife. She hated war movies and always made a great show of picking up a book whenever I would watch one. One evening I started watching this and an hour later I looked over and saw that she had stopped reading and was watching the movie. She finally looked at me and "wow, this is really good..."
  • Best War Movie of All Time.

    By viewer 100
    This has got to be one of the all-time greats (also an extremely high-budget film). Terrific acting as usual by Greg Peck; David Niven is highly entertaining as the somewhat-cowardly, somewhat-impetuous ally, and Anthony Quinn pleases as the conflicted sidekick. The movie boasts not only brilliant dialogue, high drama, stunning scenery, revolutionary camera-work, and even a bit of romance, but it is also a tale which will grab the attentions and emotions of the teenager, the parent, and the grandparent alike. Shipwrecks at sea, Greek spies, sheer cliffs, Nazi masterminds, entertaining disguises, elusive traitors... the list goes on and on... And I only think it just to include Peck's wish that viewers of this movie recognize how anti-war its underlying message really is. PS I am 16 years old, and this is the stuff that great movies are made of.
  • Classic, Thriliing, and Entertaining!

    By SeventhShrew
    I loved this movie. The story, acting, cinematography, and special effects were outstanding then as they ar now. I found the inteplay of the characters to be the mot intriguing from Peck's resigned and thoughtful somberness, Quinn's tough tenderness, and Niven's cynical excitability to really make the movie work. The movie in itself is a study of the movie making, and acting styles of the 60's and in excellence in movie-making.
  • Great movie

    By Warbuff233
    One of the best war movies i have ever seen. great plot an lots of action
