Baby Seal Relaxes After His Rescue at Cape Cross

This seal rescue took place at Cape Cross, Namibia. Cape Cross is one of the worlds largest seal colonies, and can hold up to 400 000 Cape Fur Seals at the height of breeding season in December.
The plan was not actually to rescue seals on this day, but rather to just observe. This however changed when Naude and Katja noticed many entangled animals, and decided to help one that was close to the walkway leading through the colony.

Naude jumped over the fence and easily managed to restrain the young male.  This poor animal had multiple loops of thin fishing line cutting into his skin around his neck, and also through his mouth. It took a little while, but Naude managed to cut all the lines and let the animal go again. Contrary to how the seals behave at Pelican Point, this group are quite calm, and some even walked closer while Naude was busy cutting the pup free. 

Once the pup ran off, he didn't go straight for the ocean like at Pelican Point, but rather ran up to some of his friends and just stood around, as if nothing had ever happened.