Every Major Pagan Symbol and What They Mean

Throughout history, symbols have played an important role in pagan traditions. These symbols are visual representations of deep-rooted beliefs and sacred wisdom.

But what defines a pagan symbol? Most people think that paganism is just wicca, but in reality, paganism encompasses so much more. 

Related Article: https://symbolsage.com/pagan-symbols-list/


  • 0:19 - Pentagram and pentacle
  • 1:11 - Triple Goddess
  • 1:58 - Horned God
  • 2:36 - Triquetra
  • 3:18 - Ankh
  • 3:50 - Spiral Goddess
  • 4:36 - Witches Knot
  • 5:07 - Triskelion
  • 5:48 - Unicursal Hexagram
  • 6:23 - Green man
  • 7:00 - Labrys
  • 7:26 - Ouroboros
  • 8:00 - Awen
  • 8:51 - Wheel of the Year
  • 9:32 - Besom