1 CUP of TURMERIC MILK at Bedtime...Your Body Will Thank You a Million Times

Turmeric Milk (Golden Milk) is one of the best concoctions to become healthy and free from various diseases.

It helps to boost the immunity of our body. Turmeric is loaded with curcumins which helps to fight bacteria and viruses.  Mixing curcumin with milk helps the bodies absorption into the fat and tissues much more efficiently.  


  • 1/2 - 1 tsp Tumeric
  • 8 oz of milk


  1. Mix the Tumeric and milk together in a sauce pot
  2. Warm it up

Warm milk has forever been one of those things some people drink or give their kids before bed.  It helps the body relax.


  • Add a dash or two of black pepper.  It the absorption.  
  • You can substitute dairy for almond or coconut milk.  Not everyone can drink dairy.  They work just as well.